Technology Coordinator
Angela Reeves
870-668-3522 Ext 712
The Technology department provides support services to students and staff in all areas of technology usage and integration. Our role is to ensure that technology is always ready and available to fill the appropriate role in teaching and learning. Just a few things we do include:
Supporting all educational technology in the learning environment, including computers, Chromebooks, tablets, interactive displays, projectors, document cameras, printers, cameras and other peripherals.
Overseeing the district one-to-one initiative where all staff and students are issued a Chromebook for both online and in-person learning.
Supporting all educational software across the district.
Providing and supporting district wide wireless internet access for all students and teachers.
Supporting inter-school network connectivity and Internet access.
Network security, protection, servers and infrastructure.
School-wide phone, paging, access controls and video security systems.
Supporting the educational use of district email, drive shares and Google Apps for Education
District Website
Cybersecurity and data privacy

The Concord School District is committed to preparing our students for the ever-changing world. Students’ ability to consistently access devices and digital sources is a priority. Appropriate use of technology is essential for learning in all content areas and to be literate in our digital world. The District began using G Suite for Education in 2010 and over the last several years has laid a foundation implementing these tools into a technology rich education environment. Chromebooks, which are tightly integrated with G Suite, have been the device of choice for a number of years due to their lightweight, portability, long battery life and simplicity for use and management. The District has 1:1 ratio of Chromebooks to students so that every student K-12 is issued their own Chromebook.